Friday, January 15, 2010

Show Us Your Life

Happy Friday to you all!! Today's Show Us Your Life is all about weight loss tips, diets, and workout ideas. Head on over to Kellys Korner to join in on the fun!!

First off Im more excited about reading everyone else's ideas and tips than sharing my own. ha!! Im not really great in this area even though I have learned a lot about health and exercise over this past year. Its crazy because growing up I never struggled with weight....ever!! I actually used to pray in high school that I would gain weight. I am 5'7" and I honestly was a size "0" my senior year. Now some of you may think why would you want to gain weight.....keep in mind Im not short so I was pretty tall and I did not have a CURVE on my body!!! {You get my point right?!?!?}

So, then I started college and some of the weight started packing on....nothing I couldnt was good/healthy weight! But as I get older I am realizing that I now have to watch what I eat and exercise is key or it will definitely get out of control. So here is what I do to try and stay in shape.


Okay I do not have a "Diet" that I follow. I have learned that I never stick to them and personally they are hard for me to follow. This past year however I gave up sodas and sweet tea! I LOVE sweet tea.....I still drink tea but I stick to unsweet and use splenda. Yes, it took some getting use to since I am such a huge sweet tea drinker but I promise I noticed once I cut out the sugar. I do not eat beef...I have never been a huge beef eater but I try and stick to lean meats. Do I enjoy spaghetti, lasagna, burgers?!?!!? YES, yes I do...I use ground turkey. {DO NOT knock it until you try it....I promise it is good} Veggies...mainly greens are great side choices with your lean meats!! Now that the holidays are over I really need to get back to my healthy eating.


Okay this past year I got a gym membership and a personal trainer!! YAY!! My trainer focuses on "circut training" and my sessions last 1 hour two times a week. On the other days I stick to cardio and an occasional spin class. I have found a GREAT workout video though if you do not have the money or time for a gym membership. Jillian Michaels 30 day shred is awesome!! I seriously did not realize the first time I did this video the impact it would have. I chose to do it on a Wednesday which was the day between my personal training that Thursday I could barely move so therefor I was unable to meet with my trainer. My muscles were shot!! He told me to do that video on the weekends and stick to cardio between my training its a pretty darn good workout.

So there you have it....thats kind of how my diet and workout goes. Im very excited about reading everyone else's tips! 2010 is the year I plan to get lean, toned and in shape.


There's No Place Like Memphis Mama said...

Good for you Leigh! I need to start working out again. I have SO fallen off the wagon.

Elizabeth said...

I love your diet and exercise plan!! It's great you know what to do and when to do it...not all people do! Trainers are the best!! :-) Keep it up!

Clementsville: Population of 5! said...

great job girl, I need to get serious about losing some weight... we will see :)

Elenie said...

This is crazy...just yesterday some girls at work were saying how they were doing the "Jillian" and it absolutely kicked their butt. Looks like I'll have to give it try :)

Heather said...

These are great tips!! Thanks for sharing, I need to do way better!

Jenn @ West Sac Honey said...

Really?? The trainer likes the 30 Day Shred? I have it in my spare bedroom but I need to get some lighter weights I should do that on my days off the gym I did spin yesterday but I am feeling lazy today.. I just want to SHOP!

Annie said...

i agree!! i love the shred! i really want to try a spin class. my gym is tiny and doesn't offer classes.
i have been doing the shred but i need to get back into the gym and on the body needs it.

KJ said...

Nice plan!! I wish I had something awesome to share... I love eating healthy and working out. My favorite way to start the day is 2 hard boiled eggs and 2 baby tangerines- sticks with me for a long time!:)

Anonymous said...

I will have to check out the shred! Im looking for a great new workout video!