Monday, January 12, 2009

New week...fresh start!

Good Morning! I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe weekend. I had a very relaxed weekend which was nice because lately things have been busy in my life. I was able to slow down and spend some quality time with the ones I love. Speaking of spending time with the ones I love.....the one I love more than life itself would be Lord and Savior. Our church Highpoint has started a new series called WHERE IS GOD WHEN LIFE HURTS. If you live in the Memphis or surrounding area...please come worship on Sunday Mornings with us. This is a great time to come and bring a friend. As humans we all hurt...whether you realize it or not. No one is perfect...yes, you heard me correctly, I'm speaking to are not perfect! :)

Highpoint's motto is THE PERFECT PLACE FOR IMPERFECT if you are looking for a church home or even a place to visit...I may know just the PERFECT place for you. Check them out at

I have been a regular member to Highpoint for a while now but I knew in my heart that this was the church home for me. I soon will be transfering my membership to Highpoint! Highpoint gets me out of my seat and out of my comfort zone which is something I really needed. I can promise you...the holy spirit is in the room when you are worshiping....I have never been to a church in all my 25 yrs of life and felt him the way I did my first time at Highpoint. The baptisims are one of my favorite things to witness on Sunday's. During this time imperfect people that have been hurt and broken turn and give all they be cleansed. Everytime someone is baptised I get chills and the tears pour! Happy tears! The people of Highpoint are not afraid to get out of their seats and show praise during this time. I could go on and on. If you have any questions about times or where its located please let me know.......I would love to see you their!

I hope everyone has wonderful day. I know I am ready to get off....because tonight is........
The Bachelor time. :) I am ready to go home put on my pjs, get dinner and plop on the couch! Sounds good!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

I am so glad you're going to join! The baptisms are one of my favorite things too...the whole place is just awesome!